Source code for deluca.envs.classic._mountain_car

# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
@author: Olivier Sigaud
A merge between two sources:
* Adaptation of the MountainCar Environment from the "FAReinforcement" library
of Jose Antonio Martin H. (version 1.0), adapted by  'Tom Schaul,'
and then modified by Arnaud de Broissia
* the OpenAI/gym MountainCar environment
itself from
import math

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from gym import spaces

from deluca.envs.core import Env
from deluca.utils import Random

[docs]class MountainCar(Env):
[docs] def __init__(self, goal_velocity=0, seed=0, horizon=50): self.min_action = -1.0 self.max_action = 1.0 self.min_position = -1.2 self.max_position = 0.6 self.max_speed = 0.07 self.goal_position = 0.45 # was 0.5 in gym, 0.45 in Arnaud de Broissia's version self.goal_velocity = goal_velocity self.power = 0.0015 self.H = horizon self.action_dim = 1 self.random = Random(seed) self.low_state = np.array([self.min_position, -self.max_speed], dtype=np.float32) self.high_state = np.array([self.max_position, self.max_speed], dtype=np.float32) self.action_space = spaces.Box( low=self.min_action, high=self.max_action, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32 ) self.observation_space = spaces.Box( low=self.low_state, high=self.high_state, dtype=np.float32 ) self.nsamples = 0 # @jax.jit def _dynamics(state, action): self.nsamples += 1 position = state[0] velocity = state[1] force = jnp.minimum(jnp.maximum(action, self.min_action), self.max_action) velocity += force * self.power - 0.0025 * jnp.cos(3 * position) velocity = jnp.clip(velocity, -self.max_speed, self.max_speed) position += velocity position = jnp.clip(position, self.min_position, self.max_position) reset_velocity = (position == self.min_position) & (velocity < 0) # print('state.shape = ' + str(state.shape)) # print('position.shape = ' + str(position.shape)) # print('velocity.shape = ' + str(velocity.shape)) # print('reset_velocity.shape = ' + str(reset_velocity.shape)) velocity = jax.lax.cond(reset_velocity[0], lambda x: jnp.zeros((1,)), lambda x: x, velocity) # print('velocity.shape AFTER = ' + str(velocity.shape)) return jnp.reshape(jnp.array([position, velocity]), (2,)) @jax.jit def c(x, u): position, velocity = self.state[0], self.state[1] done = (position >= self.goal_position) & (velocity >= self.goal_velocity) return -100.0 * done + 0.1*(u[0]+1)**2 self.reward_fn = c self.dynamics = _dynamics self.f, self.f_x, self.f_u = ( _dynamics, jax.jacfwd(_dynamics, argnums=0), jax.jacfwd(_dynamics, argnums=1), ) self.c, self.c_x, self.c_u, self.c_xx, self.c_uu = ( c, jax.grad(c, argnums=0), jax.grad(c, argnums=1), jax.hessian(c, argnums=0), jax.hessian(c, argnums=1), ) self.reset()
[docs] def step(self, action): self.state = self.dynamics(self.state, action) position = self.state[0] velocity = self.state[1] # Convert a possible numpy bool to a Python bool. done = (position >= self.goal_position) & (velocity >= self.goal_velocity) # reward = 100.0 * done # reward -= jnp.power(action, 2) * 0.1 reward = self.reward_fn(self.state, action) return self.state, reward, done, {}
[docs] def reset(self): self.state = jnp.array( [jax.random.uniform(self.random.generate_key(), minval=-0.6, maxval=0.4), 0] ) return self.state
def _height(self, xs): return jnp.sin(3 * xs) * 0.45 + 0.55
[docs] def render(self, mode="human"): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.max_position - self.min_position scale = screen_width / world_width carwidth = 40 carheight = 20 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) xs = np.linspace(self.min_position, self.max_position, 100) ys = self._height(xs) xys = list(zip((xs - self.min_position) * scale, ys * scale)) self.track = rendering.make_polyline(xys) self.track.set_linewidth(4) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) clearance = 10 l, r, t, b = -carwidth / 2, carwidth / 2, carheight, 0 car = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l, b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)]) car.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(0, clearance))) self.cartrans = rendering.Transform() car.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(car) frontwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight / 2.5) frontwheel.set_color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) frontwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(carwidth / 4, clearance))) frontwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(frontwheel) backwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight / 2.5) backwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(-carwidth / 4, clearance))) backwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) backwheel.set_color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5) self.viewer.add_geom(backwheel) flagx = (self.goal_position - self.min_position) * scale flagy1 = self._height(self.goal_position) * scale flagy2 = flagy1 + 50 flagpole = rendering.Line((flagx, flagy1), (flagx, flagy2)) self.viewer.add_geom(flagpole) flag = rendering.FilledPolygon( [(flagx, flagy2), (flagx, flagy2 - 10), (flagx + 25, flagy2 - 5)] ) flag.set_color(0.8, 0.8, 0) self.viewer.add_geom(flag) pos = self.state[0] self.cartrans.set_translation((pos - self.min_position) * scale, self._height(pos) * scale) self.cartrans.set_rotation(math.cos(3 * pos)) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array=mode == "rgb_array")